2006 Convocation Awards for Weill Cornell Medical College

Convocation 2006

Weill Cornell graduates and faculty were honored at the 2006 Convocation ceremonies, a celebration that awards outstanding graduates, other medical students, faculty and staff for distinguished achievement, dedication to scholarship and research, devotion to teaching or service, or demonstration of exceptional professional qualities. The Medical College Convocation, held May 17 in Uris Auditorium, was officiated by Dr. Antonio Gotto, dean of the Medical College, and Dr. Carol Storey-Johnson, senior associate dean of education.

Coryell Prize in Surgery
Nina Michelle Bowens
The Coryell Prize in Surgery is awarded to the student who attains the highest performance in surgery during the third and fourth years.

Coryell Prize in Medicine
Maria G. Karas
The Coryell Prize in Medicine is awarded to the student having the highest general average in medicine at the end of the third year.

Peter Mead, recipient of the Alfred Moritz Michaelis Prize in Medicine, and Dean Gotto.

Alfred Moritz Michaelis Prize in Medicine
Peter Augustus Mead
The Alfred Moritz Michaelis Prize in Medicine is awarded for “general efficiency” by the Department of Medicine.

Oskar Diethelm Prize for Excellence in Psychiatry
Malika Indira Seth
The Oskar Diethelm Prize for Excellence in Psychiatry is awarded to the medical student who has demonstrated exceptional interest and ability in psychiatry through research, clinical activities or scholarly work.

Joan Severino Parisi Prize in Internal Medicine
Rakhi Prakash Naik
The Joan Severino Parisi Prize in Internal Medicine is awarded to the graduating senior who, in the judgment of the faculty, has demonstrated both a warm and caring relationship with patients and a high level of scholastic achievement in Internal Medicine.

David and Gladys Drusin Memorial Prize
Chirag Rashmi Barbhaiya
The David and Gladys Drusin Memorial Prize was established to recognize both scholastic achievement in medicine and those intangible human qualities associated with a good physician. Candidates for this prize are recommended by the Chairman of the Department of Medicine to the Dean of the Medical College at the conclusion of the third year.

Mitchell Spivak Memorial Prize in Pediatrics
David Marcus Lieberman
The Mitchell Spivak Memorial Prize in Pediatrics is awarded to the member of the graduating class who has achieved the best record in Pediatrics.

Gustav Seeligmann Prize for Efficiency in Obstetrics
Grace Lau
The Gustav Seeligmann Prize for Efficiency in Obstetrics is awarded to the member of the graduating class who has achieved the best record in obstetrics.

James Moore Scholarship
Deya Nohad Jourdy
The James Moore Scholarship is presented to a student in the graduating class who has excelled in the field of otorhinolaryngology.

Henry C. and Anne Hayworth First Honor Prize
Rebecca Lynn Burton Natalie Elaine Casemyr Ashley Marie Cimino Elena Kamenkovich
The Henry C. and Anne Hayworth First Honor Prize is awarded to the student who has the highest academic standing in the class upon completion of the first year of medical school.

Viola Borkon Memorial Prize
Natalie Elaine Casemyr
Ashley Marie Cimino
Elena Kamenkovich

The Viola Borkon Memorial Prize is awarded annually to the student who has placed at the top of the class for scholastic performance upon completion of the pre-clinical curriculum.

John Peoples, recipient of the George S. Meister Prize in Pediatrics, and Dean Gotto.

George S. Meister Prize in Pediatrics
John D. Peoples
The George S. Meister Prize in Pediatrics is given each year for special achievement in pediatrics to a member of the graduating class selected by the Department of Pediatrics. John D. Peoples

Elise Strang L'Esperance Prize in Public Health
Deva Boone
Tzivia Rachel Moreen

The Elise Strang L'Esperance Prize in Public Health is awarded to the woman students in the graduating class who best reflect the attributes and values of Dr. Elise Strang L'Esperance, who graduated from the Women's Medical College of The New York Infirmary for Women and Children in 1901.

George G. Reader Prize in Public Health
Nicholas Matthew Bernthal
Marc Louis Otten

The George G. Reader Prize in Public Health is given to the graduating students who in the judgment of the Department's faculty, show the most promise in the field of public health.

G. Thomas Shires II Prize in Surgery
Stacy Katherine Ugras
The G. Thomas Shires II Prize in Surgery is awarded to the graduating medical student who exemplifies the qualities of an academic surgeon interested in patient care, science, and education.

Alan Van Poznak Award for Excellence in Anesthesiology
Sukhvinder Kaur Sahota
The Alan Van Poznak Award for Excellence in Anesthesiology recognizes exceptional achievement in anesthesiology.

Richard N. Kohl Prize for Excellence in Psychiatry
Olga Kulinets
Nomi Clemen Levy

The Richard N. Kohl Prize for Excellence in Psychiatry, made upon the recommendation of the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry, is given to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated the greatest proficiency in psychiatry.

David Clayson Prize for Creativity
Louis Cooper
The David Clayson Prize for Creativity is given “to that student completing the third year of medical school who has best demonstrated the ability to balance ongoing involvement in the creative process with the rigors of a medical education.

Rafael Vazquez, Class of 2006 president and recipient of the Charles Horn Prize and Gustave J. Noback Memorial Prize in Anatomy, and Dean Gotto.

Charles Horn Prize
Rafael Vazquez
The Charles Horn Prize is awarded to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated outstanding qualities of leadership and service to the medical community.

Gustave J. Noback Memorial Prize in Anatomy
Rafael Vazquez
The Gustave J. Noback Memorial Prize in Anatomy is given to a student who has performed outstanding work in the field of anatomy, as chosen by the director of the program in gross anatomy.

Gustave J. Noback Memorial Fund for Advanced Study and Teaching in the Field of Anatomy
Connie Youhua Chang
The Gustave J. Noback Memorial Fund for Advanced Study and Teaching in the Field of Anatomy was established by a second fund from Miss Berthe Manent to help meet the needs of young men and women entering the field and is given to a student who has performed outstanding work in the field of anatomy, as chosen by the director of the program in gross anatomy.

Weiss Prize for Excellence in Clinical Medicine
Neha Pathak
The Weiss Prize for Excellence in Clinical Medicine is given to the member of the graduating class, who best exemplifies the qualities necessary for the attainment of outstanding bedside clinical competence in the field of internal medicine.

Glasgow-Rubin Memorial Achievement Citations
Nina Michelle Bowens
Connie Youhua Chang
Katherine Beth Hisert
Maria G. Karas
Olga Kulinets

The Glasgow-Rubin Memorial Achievement Citations awards female students who graduate in the top 10 percent of their class.

Recipients of the Glasgow-Rubin Memorial Achievement Citations Olga Kulinets, Nina Bowens, Katherine Hisert, Connie Chang and Maria Karas, with Dean Gotto.

Arthur Palmer Prize for Efficiency in Otorhinolaryngology
David Marcus Lieberman
The Arthur Palmer Prize for Efficiency in Otorhinolaryngology is given to the student in the graduating class who has the best record in otorhinolaryngology.

Herman L. Jacobius Prize in Pathology
Olga Kulinets
The Herman L. Jacobius Prize in Pathology recognizes the highest scholastic attainment and outstanding performance in Pathology.

Medical Society of the State of New York Award
Cindy Man-Yan Ku
The Medical Society of the State of New York recognizes a graduating student at each medical school in the state for outstanding community service, whether related or unrelated to the field of medicine.

Yvette and Seymour Feil Prize in Medicine
Tzivia Rachel Moreen
The Yvette and Seymour Feil Prize in Medicine recipient is chosen by the Department of Medicine's chairman and faculty, and approved by the Office of the Dean. The student selected will pursue a career in internal medicine, and will demonstrate the exceptional qualities of a gifted physician including compassion, caring, and the pursuit of scientific knowledge.

William C. Thro Memorial Prize
Nina Michelle Bowens
The William C. Thro Memorial Prize is awarded to the student who achieves the best record in the pathophysiology course.

Endocrine Society Award
Kevin Jon Cheung
The Endocrine Society Award is given to a graduating senior from each U.S. medical school that has shown special achievement and interest in the general field of endocrinology.

Nina Bowens, recipient of the William C. Thro Memorial Prize, and Dean Gotto.

Sarah O'Laughlin Foley Prize in Clinical Medicine
David Michael Hyman
The Sarah O'Laughlin Foley Prize in Clinical Medicine recipient is selected by the Chairman of the Department of Medicine for excellence in clinical medicine.

Jay Lawrence Award for Clinical Proficiency in Infectious Diseases
Christine Labenz Zink
The Jay Lawrence Award for Clinical Proficiency in Infectious Diseases is awarded to a student who has demonstrated excellence in clinical infectious diseases.

Harry L. Bush, Jr., M.D. Award for Excellence in Vascular Biology
Peter Henderson
The Harry L. Bush, Jr., M.D. Award for Excellence in Vascular Biology is awarded annually to a member of the graduating class of the Medical College who has demonstrated critical investigation and significant achievement in any of the diverse disciplines encompassing vascular biology from the molecular to the clinical level.

Moselle and Milton Pollack Prize in Medical Ethics
Maria Master
The Moselle and Milton Pollack Prize in Medical Ethics is granted to the medical student who has demonstrated exceptional interest and ability in the field of Medical Ethics.

E. Darracott Vaughan, Jr. Prize
James Steven Rosoff
The E. Darracott Vaughan, Jr. Prize is presented to a candidate interested in pursuing a career in urology, who demonstrates exceptional promise.

The William J. Ledger Prize in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Adam Martin Weitzman
The William J. Ledger Prize in Obstetrics and Gynecology is awarded annually to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated an affinity for, and an interest in, the field of Obstetrics/Gynecology.

Ralph I. Poucher Prize for Proficiency in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Olga Kulinets
The Ralph I. Poucher Prize for Proficiency in Obstetrics and Gynecology is awarded to a graduating woman student for proficiency in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The Dean William Mecklenburg Polk Prize
Chirag Rashmi Barbhaiya
Peyton Lantz Hays

The Dean William Mecklenburg Polk Prize awards research submitted to the Student Research Prize Competition.

Kevin Cheung, recipient of the Dean's Research Award, and Dean Gotto.

Dean's Research Award
Kevin Jon Cheung
The Dean's Research Award is given to matriculated students in any class for excellence in clinical research work.

Alan von Kreuter Cancer Research Prize
Rakhi Prakash Naik
The Alan von Kreuter Cancer Research Prize is awarded to a medical student for outstanding research in the basic mechanisms of cancer and related diseases.

Gustavo Cudkowicz Memorial Prize in Immunobiology
Erica Young Lee
The Gustavo Cudkowicz Memorial Prize in Immunobiology is awarded by the Student Research Committee for outstanding research in immunobiology.

Henry Adelman Memorial Award for Excellence in Geriatric Medicine
Jonathan Saul Austrian
Peyton Lantz Hays
Tzivia Rachel Moreen
Sarah Elizabeth Schellhorn

The Henry Adelman Memorial Award for Excellence in Geriatric Medicine is given annually to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated excellence in clinical and academic performance, research accomplishments, and extracurricular work in the field of geriatrics over the four years of medical school.

Dr. Harold Lamport Biomedical Research Prize
Andre J. Witkin
The Dr. Harold Lamport Biomedical Research Prize is given by the Student Research Committee for a thesis reporting original biomedical research. The prize is awarded to a medical student who is a candidate solely for an M.D. degree.

Sondra Lee Shaw Memorial Prize
Jonathan Saul Austrian
The Sondra Lee Shaw Memorial Prize is awarded by the Student Research Committee to the student who has produced an outstanding research paper in the field of neurology, pharmacology related to the nervous system, or behavioral science.

Harold G. Wolff Research Prize
David Marcus Lieberman
The Harold G. Wolff Research Prize is given to the medical student who has completed the most outstanding piece of original research in the neurological or behavioral sciences.

Student Government Leadership Award
Rafael Vazquez
The Student Government Leadership Award is a special award in recognition of service as a leader in student government.

Paul Sherlock Prize in Internal Medicine
Lawrence Adya Haber
Tzivia Rachel Moreen

The Paul Sherlock Prize in Internal Medicine is presented to the graduating student who is pursuing a career in Internal Medicine and who has demonstrated exceptional integrity and compassion in caring for patients.

John Metcalf Polk Prizes
Olga Kulinets
David Marcus Lieberman
Peter Augustus Mead

The John Metcalf Polk Prizes, the highest scholastic honors a student can achieve at Weill Cornell Medical College, are given to the three students who placed at the top of the class for scholastic performance throughout medical school.

Good Physician Award
Tzivia Rachel Moreen
The Good Physician Award is awarded to that member of the graduating class who, by vote of the class, best exemplifies the intangible qualities of the "Good Physician."

Tzivia Moreen and Dr. Abraham Sanders, recipients of the Leonard P. Tow Humanism Award, and Dean Gotto.

Leonard P. Tow Humanism Awards
Tzivia Rachel Moreen
Dr. Abraham Sanders

The Leonard P. Tow Humanism Awards are presented to recognize and honor one faculty member and one graduating student who demonstrate the highest standard of compassion and sensitivity in their interaction with patients.

Class of 1952 Resident Physician Prize
Dr. Marc Dinkin
Class of 1952 Resident Physician Prize, by vote of the graduating class, is given to a New York-Presbyterian Hospital Resident Physician who has demonstrated excellence in and dedication to the instruction of medical students.

House Staff Teaching Award
Dr. Marc Dinkin
The House Staff Teaching Award honors the Weill Cornell-affiliated house officer who best demonstrates clinical excellence and dedication to teaching.

Senior List
The Senior List recognizes 16 faculty members who have made a commitment to and demonstrated excellence in teaching.

Charles L. Bardes, M.D.
Professor of Clinical Medicine

David A. Berlin, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine

Ilya Bialik, M.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Morton D. Bogdonoff, M.D.
Professor Emeritus of Medicine

M. Michael Eisenberg, M.D.
Professor of Surgery

Domenick J. Falcone, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pathology

Leah Lande, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine

Veronica M. LoFaso, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine

Estomih Mtui, M.D.
Associate Professor of Clinical Anatomy

Dr. Michael Eisenberg, Dr. Charles Bardes and Dr. Domenick Falcone, members of the 2006 Senior List.

Anthony Ogedegbe, M.D.
Instructor in Medicine

Emilio M. Oribe, M.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology

Mark S. Pecker, M.D.
Professor of Clinical Medicine

Robert C. Post, M.D.
Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology

David A. Silbersweig, M.D.
Professor of Psychiatry

Suzanne Wenderoth, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine

Dana Zappetti, M.D.
Instructor in Medicine

First-Year Teaching Award
Dr. Lawrence G. Palmer
The First-Year Teaching Award is presented by the Medical Student Executive Council to a faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in teaching in the basic science courses.

Second-Year Teaching Award
Dr. Dana C. Brooks
The Second-Year Teaching Award is given by the second-year class for excellence in teaching.

Volunteer Clinical Faculty Award of Alpha Omega Alpha
Dr. Richard P. Cohen
The Volunteer Clinical Faculty Award of Alpha Omega Alpha is given to a voluntary faculty member who effectively and generously donates his time, skill, and experience to teach clinical skills.

Charles L. Bardes, M.D. Teaching Prize
Dr. Timothy Dutta
The Charles L. Bardes, M.D. Teaching Prize is awarded annually to a member of the faculty who has been an outstanding teacher at the Weill Cornell Medical College, demonstrating leadership, dedication, and concern for the students.

Dr. Leah Lande, recipient of the Elliot Hochstein Teaching Award, and Class of 2006 President Rafael Vazquez.

Richard A. Herrmann, M.D. Teaching Award
Dr. David Berlin
The Richard A. Herrmann, M.D. Teaching Award is given to an outstanding teacher in the Third Year, and is chosen by vote of the third year class.

Elliot Hochstein Teaching Award
Dr. Leah Lande
The Elliot Hochstein Teaching Award is given to the faculty member who best exemplifies compassion, skill and distinction as a physician and teacher by a vote of the graduating class. The recipient will be listed on the permanent plaque in the Wood Library.

Weill Cornell Medicine
Office of External Affairs
Phone: (646) 962-9476